With the change of the seasons, school in session, and regular working hours, our outdoor adventures become limited to weekend outings. These outings now consist mainly of day trips or one nighters.
This particular day trip took us back to Puzzle Lake Provincial Park, where I knew we could have our own private island as a lunch time escape. I knew on Friday that I wanted to get out paddling… somewhere…. With the weather looking nice we packed up the canoe and some lunch and headed on our way.
We are fortunate to have some great water access close to where we live, and this one is just under an hours drive. It was around 11 in the morning when we parked at the access point and loaded our gear. My son and hubby have not yet been to this park, so once on the water I had to give the instructions as to where we were headed. (sly grin as I knew we would have to take 2 portages)
Entering the first portage I hear Dan say “Why is it that every time we go in the canoe right now we are surrounded by rocks?”. Yes, there are rocks, we are not always going to have the perfect put ins… This adds character to our new canoe!
Up and over the first portage, paddling along towards the second portage, up and over that portage to enter our lake for the afternoon. This lake was peaceful and calm. We headed right for our island retreat, which again was filled with rocks, and offloaded to enjoy lunch.
It was an uneventful lunch, but our canoe does look really nice next to the pine tree on this island.