This years fall colors in Algonquin Provincial Park hit peak early, and I mean weeks early. We have been watching the fall color report closely, and we just happened to have a weekend open just when they were due to hit peak. I checked on the Ontario Parks reservation system and was lucky to find ONE site open for Saturday so I booked it immediately.
How to Make a Canoe Storage System
If you have been following this site, you will have noticed that this summer we purchased our first canoe and took it on it’s first trip. Now comes the time when we need to figure out how to store it over the winter. There are some people who would do this outside, but we are looking to have it stored in our garage.
Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!
Summer is back?
The first two weeks back at work (I work in a school), all I could think about was camping. Yes, I have gone out lots this year, but I wanted to go again. Then I received another notification from Cruising Canoes that they were hosting a 2 day fishing trip to Puzzle Lake Provincial Park. I was in! It’s the perfect time frame for me.
The Points that Almost got Away
I have referenced the Paddle in the Park contest a couple of time in prior posts, but I feel that this story really does need to be shared. (Don’t worry, I have more to share later)…