What’s in a name…

I have been mulling over for a while about getting my blog going on a serious level.  This means I have to do a few things….

  1. Figure out a concept
  2. Get a proper address
  3. Figure out a name to help promote page on social media

I have a concept. It’s been there for a while.  We are an outdoor family, we love adventures, and I really love sharing what we do.  Check for #1.

Since my hubby has a photography site, he also has a web server.  This means I am able to get a website address. Done!

Third one was harder. Getting a name to use.  I have been using my personal account Sue_Squared, but time for this to have its own name.  I tossed around many ideas, thought about just using my own name… This was hard!

I decided to go to someone who I knew I could share my ideas and get some positive and helpful feedback.  There were a few options thrown around, but in the end Camper Christina came up with Sue’s Outdoor Crew.  This was awesome.  She gave some good advice to check other social media sites for the names I was contemplating, and this one was good to go. Others had way to many close connections. 

My hubby was being helpful and suggesting a short form for Instagram and Twitter, but if you consider Sue’s Crew with the space in the wrong place….. it would NOT be a good thing.

So, this is the official post to welcome you to this blog, site, page you name it. You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  I am looking forward to sharing our stories with you, and I really do hope you all enjoy them.


(Huge Huge Huge Thanks to Camper Christina! I can’t say it enough, but having someone to chat with behind the scenes is something that we can all appreciate.  Especially when we are getting started.)

30 Day Writing Challenge – Day 29

Topic: The Night Of Your 21st Birthday

From what I can gather about this topic, this challenge was probably written by someone in the States.  I can assume that the creator of this challenge was looking for a story about when you are turning legal age.  Since we live in Canada, this topic would probably have said, “The Night of Your 19th Birthday”. I will follow what the topic is, and try to talk about my 21st birthday. Continue reading “30 Day Writing Challenge – Day 29”