Topic: A Book You Love And One You Didn’t
For those of you who know me, I’m not a big reader. I never have been, I try sometimes to get into reading, it lasts for a bit, then I stop for a long time. I do not like books that have complicated English terms that when I read it, I have no idea what it just said. I tend to gravitate towards books meant for teens. I have read a whole bunch of series that students I teach have also read and enjoyed. They are easy and quick books to read, and that’s probably another reason why I like them. But, for choosing a book I love? Bah…. Not happening. There isn’t any book out there where I can say “OMG You just HAVE to read this!!”, “It was awesome and I would read it over and over again”. There are probably some of you that think I’m crazy, you probably have THAT book where you have those thoughts. Not me. I just don’t have that kind of mind.
30 Day Writing Challenge – Day 7
Topic: What Tattoos You Have And If They Have Meaning.
Love this topic! Why? Because I am always fascinated by people’s tattoos, and I’m sure people would get annoyed with me if I asked them what their tattoos all meant. Although, I bet it would strike up some interesting conversations… Kinda like what mine are all about.
30 Day Writing Challenge – Day 6
Topic: Someone Who Fascinates You and Why
ACK!! Why are some of these topics so difficult?
Well, after having some time to think about this, I would have to say my 6-almost-7 year old son. He has such a wonderful, creative mind, that it is hard to keep up with him. He seems to dream and think up these crazy but well thought out plans throughout his day. I have a hard time playing Lego’s with him, because he has all these ideas, and well let’s just face it… I’m a square, house shape building mind. He has created all these crazy contraptions, all with working parts, or should have working parts. *I tried to insert a video… it didn’t work*
30 Day Writing Challenge – Day 5
Topic: A Place You Would Live, But Have Never Visited
This is another hard topic to discuss. Of all the places I would currently choose to live, I have visited. Hmm… There are still a few places on my bucket list, Australia/New Zealand, South America, Africa… (yes they are big places).