Ant Kingdom (The nickname for our campsite)

This past weekend, we did a little family overnight canoe trip into Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park.  The last time we ventured into this park was for a weekend in 2015 where we went into Wolf Lake then Crab lake.  It’s actually hard to believe it’s been almost 2 years since we have gone back. Mainly due to the fact that we have been camping and finding adventures in many other locations. Continue reading “Ant Kingdom (The nickname for our campsite)”

Bucket List continued

So here I am again, it’s been a while since my last posting…. Let’s just go ahead and put it out there! SKYDIVING? yes? no? maybe? abso*freakingly*not!! Well, I had always been in the maybe side. I would like to do this, but when…. things happen right, job, kids, life really.  Then one day, out of the blue it happened. The opportunity came up and presented itself.  A friend of mine, whom I also play soccer with, had signed up through the Skydive Gan company out of Gananoque.  They were hosting a fundraiser event for Make a Wish foundation.  She posted through Facebook, no one was biting on her offer to drive with her, and even I had thought of it and figured it wasn’t doable with my hubby possibly having plans.

Continue reading “Bucket List continued”