A Badger Paddle and it’s Many Uses

Winner Winner!

As part of this years Paddle in the Park Contest, there are prizes to be won outside the normal paddles hidden in the park and the prizes at the end of the season.  Just to backtrack a little, this is my first time hearing and participating in this contest.  I caught a little glimpse over the winter about this contest and started to look into it more.

Continue reading “A Badger Paddle and it’s Many Uses”

Killarney Provincial Park – Tempting the Weather Gods “Silver Peaks” (Part 2)


The usual morning. Get up, eat, figure out plans for the day.  We checked the weather in the park office and there was a 40% chance of rain. Something we can work with.  There was a risk of thunderstorms as well, which was no surprise from the warm and muggy weather we were having.  We double checked our information for Silver Peaks, and decided to make a go for it.

Continue reading “Killarney Provincial Park – Tempting the Weather Gods “Silver Peaks” (Part 2)”

Explore Gear Box (Unboxing video and details)

This past winter I had found a link online for the Explore Magazine.  They are based out of BC and they were sending out gear boxes throughout the year for a subscription cost.  I had caught the tail end of the Winter box, and was very interested in what I saw.  4 times a year they will send out a box full of gear, accompanied by a list of challenges that they post on their Facebook page.   Continue reading “Explore Gear Box (Unboxing video and details)”