Canoeing in December?

Ever since we bought our canoe in August I have been wanting to get out as much as possible.  A few weeks ago we got out for a paddle and when we got home, we put away the canoe…..dirty!! In the back of my mind I was hoping to get out one more time, at that point I would do the final wash before storing the canoe. Time passed and the opportunities to get out was slipping through my fingers.

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The title says it all. If you have ever been backcountry camping, whether it is canoeing or hiking or however, you have probably come across a thunderbox.  What is that you say? It’s a fancy term for a bathroom in the outdoors.  They are typically a wooden box made from 2 x 4’s with a lid to keep your “seat” dry.

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A Badger Paddle and it’s Many Uses

Winner Winner!

As part of this years Paddle in the Park Contest, there are prizes to be won outside the normal paddles hidden in the park and the prizes at the end of the season.  Just to backtrack a little, this is my first time hearing and participating in this contest.  I caught a little glimpse over the winter about this contest and started to look into it more.

Continue reading “A Badger Paddle and it’s Many Uses”