Catching Fall Colors at Kingscote Lake

I had planned to do a solo trip at the end of September, but when I mentioned doing a trip to my friend Maya (who I completed the Basic Canoe instructor course with a few weeks prior) that plan changed and we decided to go to Kingscote Lake together. We planned to do some fishing and exploring, but we didn’t expect to also be catching the start of the fall colour change in Algonquin Park.

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Mother-Son Trip to Algonquin – Part 2

Plan B… that’s where we left off right? Well as you read in part 1, plan A was to paddle and portage to the falls, but after realizing that it would take about 6 hours to complete the round trip we made a plan B. Hayden was very pleased to know there was a plan B which would mean us paddling back to the car – load it for the drive – and drive to the falls access trail. To be honest, I was happy that was the decision we went with for a couple of reasons…

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Mother and Son Overnight to Buzzard Lake – Part 1

Last July my son and I went on our first overnight canoe trip to a local park without my hubby. I wanted to test out his skills in our canoe and how he’d handle carrying gear on a portage. He was not a very strong paddler so I knew we had to keep the paddling distance short, but I was pleased to see how well he handled it and could tell that he’d be able to take on a more challenging trip this year.

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