In December, I made my own winter camping sled for an upcoming backcountry trip. I had a few people ask and comment about my DIY project and they also wanted an update on how it worked. I have only taken this out on one trip, but there are some modifications I would like to make on the next one. Yes, I’m going to make another one.
Winter Hikes In Algonquin
During our stay in Algonquin Park over New Year’s, we love having the opportunity to go out exploring. This year we decided on visiting the falls near Mew Lake on the Highland Backpacking trail and the falls on the Track and Tower trail. Notice a theme here? We went searching for waterfalls.
New Years in a Yurt
Have you ever winter camped in a yurt?
Last year I convinced my crew to go winter camping in a yurt at Algonquin Provincial Park during the new year celebrations. This year we did a repeat and spent 3 nights at Mew Lake. I will give you some tips and tricks on how to enjoy winter camping in a yurt and a little bit of what it is like during this time of year.
My First Hot Tent Backcountry Camping Trip
This year there have been a lot of firsts for myself and my crew. This past weekend it was my chance to go hot tenting for the first time. I knew that I would have to try this out first if there was any way of convincing my hubby and son that this is something we could try in the future. This is where Camper Christina enters into my experience. She recently built a new hot tent, and I was lucky to be the her first guest.
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