Lakeview Trail

It’s great when my parents visit and the weather cooperates.  This year we were able to spend the time outside on more than one occasion.  The first was taking my mom up and down the Moira River in our canoe, and today was a family event where we hiked the Lakeview Trail at Sandbanks Provincial Park.

We have frequented this trail many times over the years, and we just love the area.  It is at the far end of Sandbanks, where you access the old Lakeshore Lodge property.  There is a trail that goes along the shoreline of Lake Ontario around West Point. It is a short 2 km trail, where you walk over limestone beds with million year old fossils.  Once again I love being able to talk about the rocks and how they are formed with my son.  Even my dad was listening to our conversations.  There is so much to share with my son, and I’m glad that these trails give me the opportunity to do so.

Looking over towards the dunes

The water was beautiful today and we all agreed that it looked like the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, only much colder. None of us would be chancing a dip in these waters today!  However, during the summer these waters are warm and very refreshing.

You do need to take caution in this area as it is frequented by ticks, and the signs help with some information on how to protect yourself.  Our main thing we tell our son, is to stay in the middle of the trail and out of the tall grass.  As the season gets into full force, we will take other measures to help protect ourselves.

Trail signage

Onward we walk and out on to the limestone beds, we stop to take a picture with all of us.  I know I don’t say it often to my parents, but I love when they are around and I can take them out on adventures.  


Today I found that I was trailing behind and just enjoying the lake lapping the rocks on the shore and watching my son frolic with my mother.   At one point we all took turns trying to skip rocks into the lake.  There were many flat rocks, and many laughs as even my dad was in on this action.

Further down the shore there are a few trees just hanging on to whatever piece of land they were attached, hoping to last another year.  Nature at its best.

Lonely tree holding on
Another lone tree
Walking the limestone beds

As I continue to walk the shore, I am looking down and following the cracks in the limestone.  They cross over each other and in some areas at perfect right angles.

Love these cracks in the limestone

Nearing the end of our walk, I notice a few pieces of brightly colored string in the branches. Unfortunately, these are ribbons with old balloons attached.  It is sad to see in a world where we are becoming more conscious of litter, that people still try to send balloons up into the sky to their loved ones.  There are better options out there, and this really does need to stop.  I did what I could, and hiked out with a couple of bundles of ribbons.   I do get that people want to send their love to ones not with them anymore, but please find a more environmentally friendly way (my friend actually uses biodegradable lanterns, yes they exist.)

The unfortunate part of popular trails
Only a small piece (but it won’t return to the lake)

Despite these little pieces of ribbons and balloons, we all very much enjoyed the fresh air, the views on the water, and just being able to spend time together.  I know I find myself much happier after spending sometime outside doing the things I enjoy.

One Reply to “Lakeview Trail”

  1. Another good read and we enjoyed the trail….another new one to us. You forgot about seeing the snake in the grass! It was too fast for me to get a picture. Loved the walk and the rock skipping…

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