Backyard Campout

Camping in the backyard seems to be a rising trend at the moment – probably since it’s the only place we’re allowed to setup a tent! So, earlier this month I decided that since I really wanted to get out camping, I would just pitch my tent in my backyard and have a backyard campout.

My boys thought I was a little silly camping out in the backyard, but I just wanted to feel the cool air on my face in the morning. The afternoon weather was beautiful so I set up my three man tent, my camp chair and also rigged up my hammock between our tree and patio.

I also wanted the campfire feeling. Unfortunately we are not in an area where we can have fires, so I improvised with some battery operated candles to make a “campfire”.

Even though my boys did not join me in the tent, they did hang out with me in the afternoon in the hammock. Dan also sat outside at night around the “campfire” until it was time to head to bed. He headed inside to sleep in our cozy warm bed, and I tucked myself into my sleeping bag.

Here’s the weird part for camping with me, the first night is always the toughest. I find it harder to get to sleep and stay asleep, so when I woke up early the next morning I was a little tired. Every single trip is like this, but I always get a better sleep on the second night. Unfortunately, it was suppose to rain and and snow over the next few days so I decided to not spend a second night outside.

However, I did enjoy my morning smoothie by the “fire” and sat and listened to the morning birds and just enjoy the fresh air that morning.

Have you wanted to go out camping? Will you try camping in the backyard as well? I highly recommend trying it, especially if you are having the camping itch. I am planning on spending a few more nights in the back yard as the days of no camping in parks continue.

3 Replies to “Backyard Campout”

  1. Loving the outdoors for sure. I bet Hayden will want to camp later.
    I would join you at night around the ‘fire’ and chat over a drink. <3

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