Families Paddling Together

It seems as though Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park is the theme for our adventures the last few posts. This park is conveniently close to us and provides some great overnight and day paddling adventures. This adventure took us to a different area of the park with another set of family friends.

There is no telling that I have been itching to keep getting out paddling as I planned another day trip for us to get out somewhere. On this particular outing we headed back to Kawartha Highlands along with Derek, Siobhan and their two kids. If you follow any outdoor people, you will know Derek as he is part of the Paddling Adventures Radio Podcast.

We met at the Wolf Lake access put in, loaded the canoes and headed down the lake towards the portage into Crab Lake. This portage is short and sweet, however, it is swarming with mosquitoes! Having been here the weekend before, I warned everyone that they will want to quickly get out and get across the portage.

Once on Crab Lake we headed to the hike called Blueberry Hill. This short hike to the top of the granite ridge gives you a 360 degree view of the park. While on top of the hill we investigated the remnants of an old fire someone had made (even though they should not have done this), bounced on some rocks that moved up and down when being jumped on, and I even gave a little geology lesson on the type of rocks we found. The kids had a blast running around on the rocks and just looking at all the cool things that nature provided. Over the ridge we noticed a pile of rocks and with the binoculars Derek had brought we were able to check out some inukshuks on the far ridge.

The hill definitely takes after its name, Blueberry Hill, as there are blueberry bushes everywhere! However, they are not ready for picking yet…. part of my is hoping I can get back here when the blueberries are ready as they are one of my favorite berries to pick… and eat….

Now that we have enjoyed the views, we headed back to the canoes and found a rocky outcrop to go enjoy some lunch and to go swimming! The water was nice and the rocks provided a great place to stretch out and enjoy the afternoon sun. The kids all had fun in the water, and even this big kid had a lot of fun.

Once the swim was over, I tried a little bit of fishing from the rock but only had some nibbles and a fish stealing my worm off the hook. BOO!! As the afternoon kept creeping away we finally headed back out on the water. We paddled the more of Crab Lake checking out other campsites for future visits, which unfortunately have all been booked for the remainder of the summer already. Oh well. There is always more day tripping in this park.

The paddle back to the vehicles brings with it the reality of the day ending. It was wonderful to be able to be out paddling with some great company. Here’s to more adventures in the future with other families.

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