Killarney Trip Part 1

When we first visited Killarney a few years ago we loved it so much that we knew we would have to go back. It’s a beautiful park, which of course means it’s also extremely popular and booking a site needs to be done well in advance. So when I happened to check last minute and saw an opening for three nights starting on a Saturday – clearly a cancellation – we jumped on it, despite the facts that we had tickets to a concert Friday night and that we would be getting back only two days before leaving for our vacation to British Columbia!

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May 2-4 Shenanigans: Part 2 Bon Echo

The plan for Sunday was to go paddling in Bon Echo Provincial park, but the weather forecast was not looking very promising with a high chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Nonetheless, we decided to take our chances and get up early to beat the rain, so we were up and out of the house by 8:00 and arrived at the park just after 10:00. After taking a wrong turn into the campground, we found our way to the river where we launched our canoe and started paddling out to the cliffs.

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Snowshoeing at Presqu’ile

I am a fan of spontaneous adventures – especially when my plan for the day includes grocery shopping, cleaning, and school work while my boys went to play on the ski hill (boring!) – so when the opportunity came up to go snowshoeing instead, I was already out the door. It all came about while taking a break (i.e. checking Facebook) and I noticed that Andrew from Cruising Canoes had put out a call for people to join him for a free afternoon of snowshoeing at Presqu’ile Provincial Park.

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