What I Ate on the La Cloche Trail

A long time ago, I had set a goal for myself to hike the La Cloche Trail in Killarney. One of my outdoor friends, Marian from The Camping Family, was going to hike this trail again for what would be her 8th time and had asked me to join her, which was just the motivation that I needed so I jumped at the chance and said yes. There was lots of planning and talking about gear, food and other logistics from to take care of, but I am not going to get into details about the actual trip as I had shared photos on my Instagram page, so this post is about what I actually planned for my food for the 7 day 6 night trip.

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My First Hot Tent Backcountry Camping Trip

This year there have been a lot of firsts for myself and my crew.  This past weekend it was my chance to go hot tenting for the first time. I knew that I would have to try this out first if there was any way of convincing my  hubby and son that this is something we could try in the future.  This is where Camper Christina enters into my experience.  She recently built a new hot tent, and I was lucky to be the her first guest.

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